

Tom's reaction was definitely an allergic response.  The uvula was like a
water balloon.  Other than this episode, he has not had any throat or voice
problems yet.  It is interesting, however, that on my voice mail the
afternoon before, he left a message and had to clear his throat while he was
talking.  He said he thought he had something caught in his throat.  He
mentioned nothing about it that evening, though.  Strange!

The Epi-pen is the same as someone allergic to bee sting might carry.  It
provides an injection of epinephran (sp), shaped like a large pen, and when
pressed against the thigh, it injects the drug to counteract the allergic

At 11:24 AM 5/20/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Barbara has had build up of Phlegm which we have attributed to the general PD
>condition. One morning it was very severe and frightening.. Finally overcame
>it that day with ice.  What is the Epi-Pen you mentioned.