

Guess what!
I'm still looking for members of the

     "Hole in the Head Gang"

and asking them to write their stories for our
new Pallidotomy Experiences planned web site.
(It hasn't been named so suggest a name you'd like)

Jerry Finch has offered a free web page, free graphics,
all you have to do is write your experience and if you
need help editing your story, I'm sure some of the fine
writers on this list will help you 'clean up your copy'.

(Volunteers please step up and help a sibling).

Please write me and let me know if you are:

   1.willing to tell your story and will get started right away

   2.willing to tell your story and need help writing it up

   3.willing but not right now and you'll get back to us when you can

   4.Not willing to tell anybody anything

Hugs to you brave souls who share you stories to benefit others,

Gail Vass  Email [log in to unmask]