

TO: Jean, Casper, WY

Just finished going through the Small Claims Court. Took about a year,
but I finally collected the full amount, plus costs, plus interest.
For your information, just having a court order or judgement against the
defendant is not the end of it. All that says is the court agrees with
you that the money is owed.  It is still your responsibility to collect,
but it is then easier, because the court is behind you. There are many
different options depending on the state of your residence. I collected
mine by garnishing the individuals wages. You can also seize assets,
bank balances, etc. I believe in Florida, if it is known by the State
that there is a judgement against an individual, they cannot renew their
driver's license until the judgement is settled.

If it is not too late (the judgements are valid for several years), go
back to your small claims court office and ask some questions and get
the forms required to force collection. (The garnishment, in my case,
was paid to the court and they in turn paid me.)

DaHawk, 59/3, Sinemet 25/100, 1x