

On Tue, 19 May 1998 15:27:02 -0700 rplanger writes:
>This is [log in to unmask]   13 Bi Pallodotomys Started Tasmar Apr
>l5,98. april
>I am truly impressed  by tasmar.  It is definitely proving to be
>the most effective medication I,ve used to date. However I'm
>also concerned about its possible side effects.  I,m getting the
>recommended blood test for the liver.
>I'm on 100 mg three times daily. along with sinemet 10/100.
>Before Tasmar I was on maripex a maximum effective dose
>of 3 tabs  3 times a day my experience with maripex was that
>I needed increased amounts  of sinemet to maintain my fluctuating on
>times. @While on the maripex in had to increase my sinemet from 1200
>mg to about 2400 mg      I tapered off the maripex completely before I
>started tasmar.
>Tasmar allowed me to adjust my sinemet to 1400 to 1600mg
>I'm also making an effort to reduce the carbadopa by going to
>10/100 sinemet.  I started with 25/100 sinemet and experienced great
>results .  My worst problem was not being
>able to sleep. I credit the cut back in carbidopa and the use of
>oxybutynin 5 mg 1/2 tap 3 times a day with relief of my sleep
>If I remember right. Carbidopa is needed in a range of 75 to 300
>be effective.  any less or any more can limit effectiveness or cause
>excess problems.
>I'm very happy with the quick response tasmar gives.. I seem
>to be very sensitive to Tasmar, but it  is taken 6 hours  apart.
>My response seems to last only 4 hours. with the 100 mg dose.
>I follow the same  avoidance of  protein high foods.and follow
>a 3 hour dosing interval , this  is right for me at this time.  This
>is a good working schedule.
>Don.t give up/ find a cure     Bob Langer. mn  5-19=98
>Please let me know of any and all possitive and negative  you
>feel when taking Tasmar for an extended amount of time.
>Best Wishes to all .

Update on Tasmar Friday  May 22 1998
I am sad to have to give you my new  opinion of Tasmar as
I had so much wanted it to be an answer to my sinemet dosing and response

Tasmar has let me down.  My first and most serious problem
was its causing serious sleep disorder.  I didn't sleep for the
first 3 nights or days.
2nd.Anorexia. had no desire to eat and consequently ate very little.
voices.  Anxiety. About things that might happen. Excessively hyper
activity  would go until exhausted.
100 mg  seamed too strong. Only 2  doses offered ( 200).

Other side effects many..........

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