

Alastair wrote -

>Hi Ron
>What is gabapentin ? Does it have any connection with GABA ? At
>present I am trying to find out if GABA can suppress Dyskinesia .
> Taking it on its own it does not have much effect , but that may be
>because it does not cross the blood/brain barrier well . I am now
>trying GHB which was originaly used as a way of getting GABA into the
>brain . Naturaly with a name like gabapentin it springs to mind that
>this is another way of getting GABA across the Blood/brain barrier ??
>     peace
>          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )


Frankly I'm not sure what distingusihes gabapentin (i.e., Neurontin)
from Gaba but I'm sure that there is a big difference.  Neurontin is a
prescription drug used mainly as an anticovulsant.  It is also a mild
antidepressant and is useful for restless legs syndrome.  I don't think
that the Gaba you buy OTC advertises these same benefits.

You may find an answer on a massive web page concerning Fibro Myolagia
(sp?) that I stumbled on.  It discussed all sorts of chemicals and brain
functions.  Unfortunately, I lost the URL but you may find it with a Web
search oon Fibro Mylagia.

                Ron Reiner (50/3)