

Hi William,

Tandem walking sounds like fun, especially if it involves someone you are
close too (OK I admit it - the pun was intended).  Unfortunately it doesn't
work for me as it requires an invasion of my personal space.  I have found
in myself, and have noticed in some other PWP, that an invasion of personal
space we are 'off' exacerbates PD symptoms.  I have also found that my
personal space occupies nearly twice the area it used too and doesn't adjust
to suit conditions.  Trying to enter a lift (elevator) with other people in
it is like trying to move a king into check.


Dennis Greene
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William Heitman wrote:

>How to tandem walk:
>1.  Start out very close behind another person-almost to lightly touching
>2.  Walk together in a lock step fashion
>Dr DeLong (Emory U, Atlanta has opined that it is the abundance of sensory
>information that makes the thing work.  Why is sometimes not as important
>that it does.  This works for me.
>WHH 54/18