

Thu, 28 May 1998 08:12:59 Bill and Barbara Worcester <[log in to unmask]>,

>Barb,    Is there any way the pages of the DIGEST could be numbered?
>If I want to print and snip I have to print the whole digest or try
>to guess at the page.
>Thanks!!  Barb-cue at [log in to unmask]

Hello Bill and Barbara,

I am on DIGEST too, so I have met the same problem.
Two possible solutions you might want to try out:

1) Save the entire DIGEST under a different name ("save as") e.g. DIG28.MAY
   Start your wordprocessor (WP6.0 or WORDS) and open the file DIG28.MAY
   Adjust the layout if needed.
   Find the page/subject you want to print, and you can print only that!

2) Select from your IN-mailbox the DIGEST you want to print.
   Go to the menu: "message"; "send again".
   By doing this you open a copy of the original DIGEST.
   Of course you do not really (re)send it, you just need it to print.
   Delete the part of the "DIGEST-copy" you do not want to print.
   Print the subject you wanted.
   Do not save the changes or queue the remaining "DIGEST-copy", because
   then it will be resend. If you want to make sure -after closing the
   "DIGEST-copy" in that way- you are not resending the "DIGEST-copy", you
   can go to the OUT-mailbox and check if it is there; if so, you have to
   delete this "queued for resend-message".

This is how I do it in Eudora 1.5.4
Perhaps you have to make some small adjustments if you use an other mailer,
but with me this works fine!

Good luck, Hans.   <[log in to unmask]>