

To Lanier and others posting on Amantadine:

My late wife, Moira MacPherson, started on Amantadine (Symmetrel) when she
was first diagnosed in 1979. She dropped it at some point to begin Sinemet
therapy, but returned to it with considerable success much later (about
1991) when her dyskinesia became a severe problem. Many people who saw her
before and after resuming it comments on the difference.

The first Moira heard about the benefits of resuming  Amantadine    for
dyskinesia came from one of the early members of the Movers and Shakers
support group in California. I can't remember her first name -- her surname
was Johnson. (I must be getting old -- have been trying to remember the name
for days now...). She and Moira talked frequently on the phone about it

Her husband is Greg Johnson and, as I recall, he set up one of the first
bulletin board's for Parkinson's on the net. I remember joining it before I
discovered this marvelous creation of our own Barbara P. This puts me in
mind of how we treasure the contacts this list provides, but at the same
time, we inevitably lose touch with a few. I hope the Johnson's are well --
anybody out there in touch with them recently?

Peter Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
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