

>The investment in the programs to solve the riddles of Parkinson's and
>certain other diseases will produce huge returns a short while down the
>road.  In fiscally poor times, an investment like this would make excellent
>sense.  But not necessarily today.  Not unless we make ourselves heard.
>We don't need to look at other programs and say that by cutting them back
>we'll save enough money for our program.  When we do that we make enemies
>of their supporters.  The Udall appropriation can stand on its own merit.
>It's an economically sound and viable thing to do, good times or bad.  It
>is a fantastic return on our government's investment.  We've got to go for
>it.  That's our story.

I agree. For instance, I believe most of the recalcitrant congressmen are
Republicans, who generally believe in a strong defense.  Why would one want
to advocate further reducing the size and readiness of our military forces
in order to free up funds for medical research?  Hopefully, enough of these
guys are fence sitters and their brains will eventually start doing their
thinking for them when they start to appreciate the savings that will result
from eradicating PD.  But to try to lay claim to funds they are planning to
allocate elsewhere is short-sited.  Let them make those decisions.  If they
want a replacement for the statue of the bowl (sp?) weavil which stands in
the center of Dothan,  AL - that's their business.  Just help us cure PD and
with the savings you can have your statue robotized.

I was encouraged to read in that article about the way NIH funds are spent.
I believe it said all the funds are awared to researchers who are advocating
work on specific disases, who,                   therefore at least have an
interest in accomplishing what  they're working on. I had the impression the
money was going to be given to reluctant Federal government employed
Bruce Anderson (52, 3.5)
Schooly's Mtn, NJ

Right now i would lobby my congresman if i thought he were going vote for
reducing Defence Department weapons purchases by $100 mm to fund Udall.  A
weaker sole remaining super   power/world peace-keeper is a bigger threat to
my  family and my country than my PD.  We could not fight a Desert Storm
type operation today with the assurance we did in 1991.