

In a message dated 5/28/98 12:34:03 AM Central Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

 The supplier that I ordered my Enada from
 seems to have two different makers of Enada . I thought Enada was a
 trade name given to NADH by a particular manufacturer? Who makes
 your Enada?
           Al >>
You are correct   ENADA is indeed the trade name of that particular
(N)icotinamide (A)donine (D)inucleotide, reduced (H) ?  Although I do not know
the maker, the patent is held by Dr.  Greorg (sp?) Birkmayer in Vienna.  The
stuff I get is through the Menuco Corp (operating out of the Empire State
Bldg. in New York  1 [800] 636-8261) or the Life Extension Foundation  (out of
Averton, Utah  1 [800] 841-5433).
WHH 54 /18