


Your Stretching the Bounds Seminar sounds great!

I am writing you because your and now Bonnie's addresses are the only two I
have for the NPF.

I am an active member of the Parkinson's Information Exchange.  I and several
others on the web have written "shell" letters which might be useful examples
to those who wish to write a letter to their congressmen regarding funding
Udall.  I have no idea if the NPF would have interest in  these or not, but,
on the chance that they might,  I am attaching a copy of the 21 pages of
"shells" (letters which can be customized) that I have composed.  There are
numerous others who have also composed shells and, like me, put them out on
the www for others to use as they see fit.

I am writing you in the hope that you will offer these letters to the
appropriate person at NPF in order that someone there might be able to make
use of them.


Barbara T. Brock, M.A. 53 cg Art 56/1 year