

hi all

since my first truly public debut [at least in terms of writing]
appears to be in the works at the finch ranch
i have been reminded of an idea
i had a few months ago
when i had the nerve to send this to a cyber-pal:

i'm actually leaning towards the idea of a [gasp!] parkie book:

"syber-sex - how i found true love on line"

[catchy title, huh?]

with various chapters
[most of which are already written]
such as:

1.      clinical depressives r us

2.      death to dumb doctors aka nuke negative neuros

3.      selegiline - truth or consequences ?

4.      how to noodle with your brain chemistry
        and [narrowly] live to scrawl the story

5.      the 'hole in the head' gang turf-war with the 'has-been' walkers
        [led backwards by the original reissul egroeg]

6.      how to crip-proof your home in 387 easy, but tiny, short, little steps

7.      the cybyr famyly cyrcys

8.      the cybyr famyly condo-vyllyge

9.      the cybyr famyly condo-crooozeshyppe 'uss droolshoes'
        races 'the namelyss boat' round the world

10.     the porkinson plot to secretly switch us all into swine

11.     konfusing your kitty-kats with kick-ins

12.     let's compare health-plans and make the yanks cry

13.     a day in my lives: frozen at the condom counter

whaddya think?



i can't imagine what came over me
i'm a much more serious and sober parkie now...

yr sybyr-sys yn syllynyss


janet paterson aka calendar control supervisor
51/10 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac - [log in to unmask]
pwp event calendar: