

> Aspirine is in Holland the most commomly used over the counter painkiller.
> It 's name
> is used in Dutch as a colloquial for pain killing general. It is
> acetylsalicylacid. If taken too frequent in too high dosis it might cause
> renal problems. It does not have realy spectacular effects on dykinesia,
> but its my impression the dyskinesia decreases when I use it.
> Sorry I did not recognise it because of the extra  e  . Amazing the
obvious mistakes one can make ( how could I have been so stupid ? ) . Yes I use aspirin for  pain relief
as well . I  use it at night occasionally and I get a better nights sleep
because I dont feel my stiff back ( I think ) . Pain/stress
relief certainl;y help dyskinesia . The other day I was walking
normaly . Then suddenly I got a thorn in my foot . I had great
diffficulty walking 10 feet to a place where I could sit down and
remove the thorn in my foot . My left leg was out of control . As
soon as I took the thorn out I got up and walked  normally again .

> >> I never heard this from someone else. But it helps only, if taken in a
> >> rather high doses
I take a least two pills at a time .
> >>
> >> I get dyskinesia 3/4 hour after taking the first pill in the morning
> >in a brief period between a PD reduced muscle function state and
> >a normal muscle function state , and a much longer more intense period
> >at the end of dosage going the opposite way in muscle function.
> >Explaining everything in terms of dopamine , it wuold seem that
> >dyskinesia is caused by a certain  level of dopamine .
> The cause of the end of dose dykinesia is more complex than a certain level
> of dopamine, because also the dopamine levels of the past do have their
> influence. After a drug free day I can take dopamine without any trace of
> dyskinesia, then during the next days the wearing off effect builds up. If
> it is heavy as it was before pallidotomy it could last for many hours, when
> in theory dopamine was supposed to have lost its effect at all. In that
> condition it tended to worsen when I tried to reach a higher level of
> dopamine by taking another sinemet.
>                     Ida Kamphuis

I find that the effect of L-dopa takes days to wear off after stopping
taking the medication . I know the main effect only last for hours
but L-dopa seems to change the brain chemistry . I think your
pallidotomy helps you normalize much more quickly from a drug holiday .
Certainly I need days without L-dopa before I notice any change in my
reaction to l-dopa . I belief that pallidotomy helps a lot with
dyskinesia . If I forget to take my pill and get caught by dyskinesia
during the day I have to take two together often to boost me out of
dyskinesia ( also sit down quietly and relax ) If I only take one the
dyskinesia goes on for hours . I believe that the
dopamine basicaly acts as a way of getting one out the neurone firing
pattern spasm ( this is what I believe PD is ) in the same way that
my anti asthma drugs help stop an asthma attack .In both cases the
drugs help stop the spasm but there is no direct correlation
between the amount of drug and the beneficial effect .  Both asthma
and PD are made considerably worse by stress  and in these cases need
a lot more of the drug to have an effect .
  Thanks for the tip that aspirin might help dyskinesia I will try it
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,
> Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )