

At 08:25 AM 5/31/98 , Ken Becker wrote:
>Barb, that is some very useful information. I was pondering how or if they
>could change the procedure, and came up with this: If there were  more money
>available, more research could be done. (DUH!!!) I heard something about a 39
>billion budget surplus, or maybe it was more, what can we do to get it
>dedicated for more research grants rather than more statues for pigeons to
>decorate?  Also, I wonder if some of the money used to investigate the
>president's private life, could be redirected to this worthy cause?  I know I
>may hear  from some stautue lovers and Clinton haters, but I really think
>health research should be top priority, or at least equal to national
>security.  [log in to unmask]


Let me play the devil's advocate and say that it is unfortunate that we
have a budget surplus at this of all times.  At last, our Congress has some
money to spend on pork, and they are all trying to direct it into their own
districts.  Save money?  Reduce the deficit?  Make wise investments in the
future?  Why?  It may not be the politically wise thing to do.  Not today.

The investment in the programs to solve the riddles of Parkinson's and
certain other diseases will produce huge returns a short while down the
road.  In fiscally poor times, an investment like this would make excellent
sense.  But not necessarily today.  Not unless we make ourselves heard.

We don't need to look at other programs and say that by cutting them back
we'll save enough money for our program.  When we do that we make enemies
of their supporters.  The Udall appropriation can stand on its own merit.
It's an economically sound and viable thing to do, good times or bad.  It
is a fantastic return on our government's investment.  We've got to go for
it.  That's our story.



 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   Always Remember This:  Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness