

Hello listfriends,

On this list are about 1600 PWP and/or CG's reading and/or writing.
Most of the time, we address eachother as "listfriends".
(even I just did!  8<{)))) )
On the list we share information with eachother that can be very personal.
The things one usually only talkes about with friends.
So "listfriends" is an accurate terminology!
Wouldn't you like to get a card or congratulations by email from your
(list)friends on your birthday? And send one on their birthday?

What's the idea:
1600 members plus lets say 1300 CG's =2900 people in a year.
A year has about 360 days. That makes 2900 devided by 360 =8 people a day
So about 8 people a day on this list celebrate their birthday.
Let's say about 10% wants to have their birthday announced on the list, that
is one a day. Whoever wants to can send congratulations OFF-LIST by email.
Imagine receiving 100x congratulations on your birthday! Perhaps even more.
Each week a birthdaycalendar for the next week is posted on the list.

At the moment this is just an idea to think about!
I suggest everybody will let me know this week (OFF-LIST of course!), if
this is a good or a bad idea! At the end of the week we can see how many
found it a good and how many found it a bad idea. Based on that we can
decide to go for it, or to drop the whole idea!

Meanwhile, have a piece of this birthdaycake:

              () () () () ()
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Happy birthday!!!!!  Hans.

      \\\///       Hans van der Genugten
       \\//        Meloenstraat 10
    |\  ||         4462 EJ  GOES
    |\\ ||         The Netherlands
    |\\\||         Voicephone:  ++31 (0)113 221479
    |\\\\|  /|     E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
     \\\\| //|