

At 01:43 AM 6/2/98 -0400, Judith wrote:
>Just when you heaved a sigh of relief....  :)

>Doctor says bike-riding can hurt a man's sex life
>In this story: The seat is the problem 'It makes no sense'
>June 1, 1998
>BOSTON (CNN) -- Bicycle riding may be excellent exercise, but a doctor
>in Boston says it can also be hazardous to a man's sex life.
>Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
>[log in to unmask]

Judith, I assume that the "don't understand" comment is yours.  The reason
the seat is the problem is as follows:
When the seat angle is incorrect, and the front is slanted "up", the seat
presses on the area of the prostate, damage to which can cause permanent
sexual disfunction.  Also the seat can press on the nerves in the pelvic
area, causing from numbness to total lack of feeling which can last several
days. Generally this effect will only occur after riding many continuous

                                                                                                                                Been there, done that, have the T-shirt!  -  John