

I Smile at the girl behind the counter and
state clearly what I want. She looks in my direction
then takes my wife’s order and repeats it, leaving
out what I’d requested.  My wife repeats my order and
the girl repeats it correctly.
This is not something that is new to me. But it never fails to
make me angry. The silly thing is I go into that chicken shop
every other day or so by myself and the people seem to see me.
Yet this time, despite the growl of a powered chair this little darling
of the chicken industry cannot seem to get it past her angelic face
and perfect almond eyes that I am physically present.
Perhaps the register was blocking her vision even though she looked
me in my not so handsome face. Could it be something about my
scratchy baritone that that failed to register on her lovely ears?
Oops!  That appears to be it. My wife later informed me that
I was not speaking very loudly and I made the poor dear nervous.
But how the blazes do you get Dr. Pepper from "a box of nuggets
and a tossed salad"? The difference in syllables alone should give
one a hint that more than a drink was requested.
And me make people nervous? How could that be? Just because I
was a bit off, my face would have been unreadable, and my control
was such that I stopped just short of putting both footrests through
the counter. Me? Make someone nervous? Impossible! Improbable?
Unlikely? Well,  maybe……..