

Hi listfriends,

The support group in the heart of Texas, Waco to be exact, has about 40
members. Thursday, May 28 we had a meeting on which I explained what the
activities of the PAN are at the moment. I also explained to the 6 members
and 6 caregivers and asked that they should sign the petition for the Udall
Bill money, to make the $100 million available for research for PD. I gave
them a set of petitions and I sent all the members who weren't there, a
letter with an explanation, and forms for 10 petitions. I asked them to
make more copies themselves, if needed. Fayes family is also active and
some friends. They are scientists and loyal members of the Church of
Christ. They ask, just like I'm doing, all the members of the Church to
sign for the petition. I will write the local newspaper and the tv- and
radio-station about what we are doing.

The researchers started the final sprint, we as caregivers and patients
must not just stand along the track. We must encourage them, help them by
joining tests and make sure they get the money they need.

Fund the search, Find the cure !!!!!

Kees Paap