

hi bruce

you wrote
>I don't think you'll hear from him again.
>I think the Owner of the list probably kicked "Mr.. Fox" off
>as soon as he was exposed as being here to sell stuff.

i don't know whether our list 'mom' has kicked him off or not
but it would be her prerogative, wouldn't it?

i think you may be missing the point
as i see it, anyway

your phrase 'he was exposed" is a hint:

he had something to conceal

he claimed to be here to help his 'relative' who has pd
[due to his total lack of response to several caring inquiries
about said 'relations', i would bet dollars to doughnuts
that said 'relations' do not exist
except as a ploy and
a sales gimmick]

he did not admit that his real purpose here was to sell supplements

there are a lot of people here who could sell something
a neurosurgeon
a website researcher
an office furniture designer
a psychiatrist
a pharmacist
a pixel pro
an electronics wholesaler
a cabinetmaker
a social worker
a nurse
a dietician

what makes them different from stefan fox and his ilk?

they have not concealed their true purpose here
they are here because of pd

their professions are not a secret
if they have been able to contribute due to their profession
they have done so, openly

>It has been a tradition as long as I've been here.

as long as i have been here
anyone joining the group under false pretences
was pretty quickly uncovered as a liar

sounds like a healthy 'tradition' to me

>We really don't want commercials here, do we?

i don't mind commercials
just don't lie to me about your financial interests

did kathrynne lie?

>I remember one well-regarded Listmember who it became known was
>having a real hard time financially.  One day  he started pushing cut-rate
>long distance service.. Just wanted to know if anyone wanted to buy any.
>Some members came down on him like a ton fo bricks.

i'm not sure if i remember this episode
but, regardless,
how is it relevant?

>I thought it was curel at the time, but now i appreciate
>how important it is to keep all that out of here.
>The only exception i'm aware of is a cookbook.

this sounds to me like bitter sarcasm
if i'm wrong, forgive me
if i'm right, go get yourself a chocolate bar, bro!

your cyber-sibling


janet paterson aka calendar control supervisor
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