

Thank you, Jeff, for posting to the lists your letter to your colleagues
about the battle  you are waging with CD (clnical depression).  All too
often we hesitate--out of fear, modesty, whatever-- to share this kind of
information with others, even though it may be helpful to someone.  You are
fortunate in the acceptance you find in your workplace, and their support
certainly shows how much they value you!  I'm sure you are right that there
are many who suffer from CD and need to "hear" your experiences as you make
your way out of the "morass". More power to you!

        Camilla Flintermann             <[log in to unmask]> My Home Page

                ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
                *  "Our lives begin to end      *
                *   the day we become silent    *
                *   about things that matter.." *
                *    ...Martin Luther King,Jr.  *
                ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***