

Hello List
I am a newcomer to Parkinsn Listserv.  I am 47 years old and began having
tremor problems in 1993.  I also have Bi-Polar Manic Depression.  My
psyciatrist recognized PD with the tremors, walking problems, head bobbing,
and lip twitch.  He sent me to a neurosurgeon, who in turn sent me to Chicago
to Rush-St. Lukes.  I take Sinnemet and Permax.  Dosage is changing on Permax.
I also take Lithium, Depakote, Paxil, High Blood Pressure med, and Synthroid.
Man, what a pain.  I am trying to get used to PD.  I am also a recovering
Alcohol and Addict.  I am married and my spouse is my caregiver.  He is great
at the task.  Told me he feels it is an honor to care for me.  I live very new
South Bend, (Golden Dome, Notre Dame Fighting Irish.  There are 2 minature
Schnauzers and 2 FAT CATS.  I have not been able to work as the shaking is not
under control and bartending is out.  I enjoy reading all of the items on my
email.  Thank you for being here.