

Hi Everybody,

I wanted to let you all know FAVA BEANS are now in season, and should be
available in your grocery store.  The season is very short, so I'd suggest
buying up a bunch, flashing them, and putting them in the freezer.

Fava beans are a natural source of levodopa.  It's medicine through food folks
-- natural, God-provided medicine.  One half cup of Fava beans contains 250
mg. of levodopa.

My husband is only on Mirapex right now, so actually I don't know how much L-
dopa is usually prescribed per dose.  My husband brought home a bag of beans
last night.  If you've never seen them fresh, (I hadn't, or if I did, I never
paid any attention) they are very fat, large beans, and quite long.  They make
an ordinary green bean look like doll-sized beans!

Cook em up -- yum for your tum, and good for your brain.  Here in upstate NY,
they are $1.49/lb.  I'm making them tonight.  I honestly have no idea what
they taste like -- but heck, maybe I'll get some of that dopamine boost too,
and be motivated to get the gardening done once and for all.  :-)

Good luck,

Tami A. :)