

hi margaret

what kind of sinemet have you taken?
CR or 'regular'?

how long ago?

have you had any food/drink yet today?

i think kees's query about vomiting is a good one
particularly if you have taken the CR version

if you have taken the regular sinemet
all at once
particularly on an empty stomach

i would suggest consuming a lot of protein all day
to block the sinemet's access to the carrier
which takes it to the blood/brain barrier

milk in particular is supposedly really effiicent
at 'grabbing all the seats on the bus'
and leaving sinemet behind

do you have someone who can stay with you for the day?
dyskinesia will probably be a major problem
but keep a sharp eye out for any
or anxiety as well

just my humble opinion
as a sister warrior in the pd battle

let us know how you are doing
i will monitor the list mail regularly all day



janet paterson aka calendar control supervisor
51/10 - sinemet/selegiline/prozac - [log in to unmask]
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