

David J Havard wrote:
 New nuero prefers madopar to sinemet (personal observation)
> and also says he believes that sinemet side effects are disease progress
> dependent not time on l-dopa related and refers to almost instantaneous
> occurence of side effects when l-dopa was used on the famous (but I've
> forgotton the name) group of people with drug induced parkinsons (sounds a
> logical conclusion to me). He qualified the statement by saying that the
> metabolites (correct word?) from l-dopa are somewhat nasty.

As you noted, the scientific debate over when to start levodopa
is long and far from settled. The evidence against is mainly from
tests on cultured cells in petri dishes, while the evidence pro is
from long-term followup of various trials on rats and people. The
trial you refer to was the first, described in the documentary
film "Awakenings", which I recommend. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013