

Hello all,

 Bill Heit asked to see the letter I sent to Gail in response to her request
for letters of support for Udall funding from "CFAs."  He suggested that I
send it to the whole list -- so here it is. All our American friends
lobbying Congress are welcome to make use of it if it will help.

June 6, 1998

To Members of the United States Congress

Dear Legislators,

My late wife had Parkinson's for 18 years. I knew first hand and experienced
the hardship and costs of this terrible disabling condition on her, on her
children and on me as her primary caregiver.

The United States Congress has taken a strong leadership role in the world
on many issues. In terms of the battle to find a cure for Parkinson's,
Congress has opened the door to major breakthroughs by passing the Udall
Bill. Now, the task is to give it meaning and substance by providing
adequate funding for the important research that will find a cure for

As we come to the end of the Decade of the Brain, declared by President Bush
and supported by the bipartisan support for the Udall Bill in the Congress,
please support the funding so badly needed by researchers. It will have
tangible benefits not just for Parkinson's but for all neurological
conditions.  Parkinson's research will be highly cost effective both in
personal human terms and in the costs of medical care.

I appreciate very much your willingness to receive this kind of external
testimony in support of the efforts of countless thousands of Americans
facing this terrible condition.

With every good wish and the greatest respect, I remain,


Peter J. Kidd
62 Coronation Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3N 2M6

Peter Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
Tel/FAX: (902) 443-4262 Email: [log in to unmask]