

There has been discussion again of the high cost of drugs for some of us
who don't have insurance to cover them.  Below ytou will find some info on
the subject, from my files:
Here is a snip from an earlier post from Nancy Burnham which  may be of use.
I'll also forward fome other info I have in files. Glad you found us.

>I just found a web site that tells about free prescriptions.  It is
>available to people whose insurance doesn't cover their drugs and I'm sure
>several other requirements.  If any of you could benefit by this you might
>want to check out this web site
>  Nancy B cg for Don


From: "Camilla H.Flintermann" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: financial  aid
The med programs have different names depending upon the company.  Some are
>indigent care, or patient access,  or  patient care, or whatever.  There
>are also lists of the companies and their numbers often available through
>local agencies or government offices associated with the elderly.  In my
>office I keep an updated list for our clients, since so many meds are not
>covered by medicare nor medicade/medical.  Sometimes the patient need only
>tell the doctor of their situation and the doctor contacts the company.
>It depends upon the company. When I was first on Paxil, it was not covered
>by insurance.  My doctor (with my help, as I had the phone numbers)
>called, filed the form and was given coupons which he signed and I took to
>the pharmacy, and they sent back to the company for payment.
>No matter what, it always takes the doctors approval sent to the company.
>Hope this helps.

From: "Camilla H.Flintermann" <[log in to unmask]>
>Re: financial help for PWPs-- On June 21, 1995, Anne Martin
>wrote as follows: <snips>

>" There are very good but little known programs within all the major
>pharma. companies to provide free meds to PWP meeting the financial
>guidelines set by each company..The doctor (read nurse) calls the 800# of
>the company and asks for the 'Indigent Patient' program...the company
>sends the doctor their form....half filled out by family stating their
>financial status, the rest done  by the doctor stating diagnosis, etc. It
>is sent back to company with a 3 or 6 month Rx. If patient qualifies,
>company sends med to doctor  to give to the patient. This can continue for
>life, so long  as paperwork is repeated halfway through each period, and
>patient continues to qualify. If your doctor does not know about this, he
>can get a list free from --Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Assn.,1100
>Fifteenth St N.W., Washington,DC 20005, or 1-800-PMA-INFO "
>I hope this is helpful to you and to others on the list.
>Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7,Oxford,OH<[log in to unmask]>

  Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 80/9
  Oxford, OH
  [log in to unmask]
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