

originally posted 98/01/17

hi all

>...How can we tell anything
>about anyone over the web?

we can't
that is the problem / blessing paradox of this amazing medium
the anonymity can be used for any purpose

on the internet i cannot judge you based on your
disabilities nationality skin-colour
hair-colour appearance life-style
profession eye-colour abilities
clothing religion accent

this can create
the ultimate democracy
every participant has an uncensored voice

i have only the words
and the fact of messages sent
to base any judgment/opinion on

however, the other side of the coin is

i have only the words
and the fact of messages sent
to base any judgment/opinion on

this paradox requires more work on my part
in reserving my judgment/opinion
until i've considered carefully
what has been presented

'actions speak louder than words'
'walk your talk'
'talk is cheap'

all of these are truisms
which need to be re-interpreted in this new era

...i read 'x's first post several times very carefully
so i felt comfortable in my suspicions
i did not conclude anything

since you have not read the posts being discussed
how can you come to a conclusion
without making assumptions?

>Sounds to me like 'x' could have had good motives ...

maybe not
'x' still has not answered a direct question
how can any conclusion be drawn?

the anonymity of this medium is a double-edged sword

>...and be feeling indignant because they
>were questioned in the way that they were....

i don't understand why anyone
would feel indignant about a simple question
unless the indignation is based on a sense of false pride or guilt

i don't feel indignant by your questioning me
i'm happy to explain my reasoning behind anything i do or say
and am open to suggestions or debate

as i have said to 'x'
i would love to be proved wrong

in the past i have referred to myself as cynical
and now realize that i may have been using the term a tad loosely
since i have just found that the oxford dictionary defines a cynic
'as a person who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness'

i have a lot of faith in humanity's sincerity and goodness
but i try to remain impartial and assumption free
until i have enough information to go on
in re any individual i encounter

your cyber sis


janet paterson aka calendar control supervisor
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