

Sun, 31 May 1998 23:57:27 EDT, Jean Eggerman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I never did speak or write Dutch. My family was here longer than my
>friends. My mother has a few phrases she uses that she learned from her
>Grandparents. I would repeat them (if I could remember them!) because my
>grandmother would not let my mom say such things!!
>Craig is my husband.
>And Happy Birthday!
>Casper, WY

Hi Jean and CRAIG,
I suppose my geography is as bad as your Dutch!!!!!!  8<{))))
I thought Casper was your husbands name (sorry Craig), but now I think it's
the town you live in! Hope I'm right this time!

I wish it WAS my birthday! Don't know were the flower came from.
Forgot to put the "signature" off I suppose.
But fortunately it fits beautifully with the birthday-posting.

Greetings, Hans.