

Hi to Jonathan.
I will tell you a few things about my experiences with amantadine. First
off the usual dose is 100mg twice a day. That is what I take, at
breakfast and dinner (6:00PM). One time I did not take it with food and
started to feel nausea, so I ate some crackers real fast and I was then
OK. It is helpfell in controlling my left arm tremor which I have had
for two and one-half years. I have been taking it for 5 months. Lots of
doctors and published information say it works only six months to a
year. But some of our list members have been taking it many years, and
one member just the other day said it was sitll helping him at 15 years.
So welcome to the list and I hope you get lots of usefull information.

Lanier Maddux         Chattanooga  Tn,
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