

Good day PD and CARE List members,

        I have just returned from a vacation that encompassed the most painful
challenge I've ever encountered.  I am much better now, but am still not
out of the woods.  About a month ago I was diagnosed with a disease.  It is
a chemical imbalance in my very own not-so-finely tuned body.  This disease
is extremely common but is very frequently misdiagnosed or not even treated
because the person with it doesn't seek help.  The name of this disease is
Clinical Depression (CD).

        CD is not, by any means, a moral problem.  It cannot be solved by keeping
a stiff upper lip, even with a big honking mustache  :-})  .  Any moral
issues I may have are completely separate from CD.  When one has the
wonderfulness of this chemical imbalance, one has no control over thoughts
whatsoever.  The following is an excerpt from one of my messages to friends
as I was reaching out for help.  It describes, in a very brief way, the
view one has when in the morass of CD, "It's a waste of time to dwell on
shoulda's, coulda's, and woulda's but it seems to just as much a waste to
focus on maybe's, what if's, or things dimly seen but never realized.  The
only thing I really have is this very moment and this moment hurts.  This
moment just doesn't end!"

        Once diagnosed, I went out to the Internet to find out what this animal of
CD was.  I found the following and am sharing it in case any of you or
those you know may be dealing with CD and not know it.  If you "fit the
bill" GET HELP and get it immediately.


Not all people with depression will have all these symptoms or have them to
the same degree.  If a person has four or more of these symptoms, if
nothing can make them go away, and if they last more than two weeks, a
doctor or psychiatrist should be consulted.

     Persistent sad or "empty" mood.
     Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, pessimistic and or guilty .
     Substance abuse.
     Fatigue or loss of interest in ordinary activities, including sex.
     Disturbances in eating and sleeping patterns.
     Irritability, increased crying, anxiety and panic attacks.
     Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions.
     Thoughts of suicide; suicide plans or attempts.
     Persistent physical symptoms or pains that do not respond to treatment.

        BTW, my very own self embraced 8 of these 9 symptoms and was diagnosed
with severe depression.

        I have a lot more information about CD if you are interested.  It includes
such things as how to help someone who is depressed, a FAQ on CD, questions
on major depression, what depression does to relationships, and my very own
description of what it's like to be in the morass of depression.  I also
have a questionnaire called the Beck Depression Inventory that, although
simple, can really give one a true picture where they stand in the CD cycle.

        The bottom line is that CD is treatable and there's no reason whatsoever
to suffer trying to keep a stiff upper lip when, due to the chemical
imbalance, one has no control over one's lip.  Please contact me if you
want more information.

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