

I am having a rough time lateley.  Besides the progression of this damn pd,
 I recently  went to  new dr. in Peurto rico( I live in the virgin islands)
 He was ok, as far as doc's go, and I got some good shopping in while I was
in p.r. and I could come and go in the same day, instead of my usual 3-7
day trek to Emory University Med ctr in atlanta.  Well, He put me on tasmar
and sent me packing with a 15 of them in a bottle,  (1/2,3 x day)   when I
got home, I ordered from my local pharmacy (in st thomas) (the one on my
island dosent accept my ins. card) anyways,  the pharmacist said he'd order
it.  OK then I call to see if its in , 3 days later, turns out he had never
ordered it,  Ok now i,m just a little irritated)  so the person at the
pharm promised to order, call back in a few days.  I called back tues,
which was a week from my original phone call.  "Oh" she said "it's not in
yet,  the long memorial day weekend and all" , "call back tomorro".

OK  the next day, I come to find out it's still not in yet. I asked, "
could you find me some ???? I've got one left?...."  "sorry ,None on St
Thomas, I've called every where"

MEANWHILE ... Im in the middle of introducing a new drug to my body, "Hello
Lisa, I'm here  to kick your ass"  the tasmar said as it nearly knocked me
out ,  made me extremely lethargic and fatigued, which mad me extremely

OK back to the quest for tasmar,   My new dr in PR's office said,  sorry
call back tommorro,   The dr is not in today, call back tommorro. We cannot
help you here, sorry.  NEXT DAY- Let me speak to the dr now!  "He is with a
patient"   PLEASE HELP ME! I explained myself.  She barely had enough time
to assist me and When i asked about a weird side effect I was having (
numbness in some fingers and toes, she said " the dr says it " Its probably
not from the tasmar"  WELL WHAT THE HELL IS IT FROM  I've never had this
until NOW!  ... Sorry, the  dr is busy now.

CANCEL MY NEXT APPT PLEASE!  Im going back to atlanta next time.

Back to the quest for tasmar ,14 days into it, I had secured 9 pills  from
the only other person within 200 mile who also was on tasmar , and was
rationing my self so that I wouldnt have to go off and on again( UGH!) My
friend My pal w/pd who also lives on my island.  Who incidently
rreccommended this dr to me)  Said they'd give me more when their supply
arrived from AARP, Which was also late in the mail.

ANYWAYS,  Now I've got to fax some place in miami and place my order, the
locacl pharmcist here said it was back ordered from all her distributors,
and didnt know how long it would be until it would be in..

Soooo... If any of you were thinking about moving to paradise..  think
twice , yes it's pretty but There are some cons!

Ive had a really rough time these past few weeks, frustration, dpression,
physical symptoms exxagerated and very "in my face"  I'm 40 yrs old and
have had this for 6 years,  I'm sad, afraid, pissed off and stressed out,
and I'v got a LIFE (a very busy one on top of all this.


I love you guys,
thanks for listen to me
4am thursay 6/4

The sky is so clear I can see the lights on sc croix 40 miles away, the sky
is so clear I can see every single star in the universe.
good day

lisa in "paradise"?