

At 08:38 AM 6/5/98 , Gail Vass wrote:
-snip->ANYONE outside of the United States who wants to write a letter to the
>US Congress to plead for/ express support for/ contribute your voice to
>the call to fund the Udall Law.....
> me your message and I'll co-sign it and add my Fairfax,
>Virginia address and send it on to MY representatives with my zip
>code telling them that the 'WORLD IS WATCHING YOU'...talking about
>adding peer pressure...they love to be talked about around the world and
>I think you voice WILL BE HEARD.
>Don't hesitate...DO IT NOW...I'll 'hep ya'....

GREAT IDEA, Gail.  And once you get those letters in, you might share them
with others of us in the United States who can send the same letters to our
representatives under our own local addresses.

My representative is Dick Armey, majority leader, and I think that some
well-written letters from beyond our borders might help turn his head.

(except, Gail, not to call them foreigners - they are all natives of their
own country - just not the United States, he said teasingly)



 Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377
 (nickname on instant mail, ICQ, and chat programs is cutterson)

   Always Remember This:  Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness