

Sun, 31 May 1998 20:18:34 +0100, JaneRoss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>so that is where he went!  You tell him to get home right now!

>I knew we had only seen the tip of the ice berg when we met Hans.


He's on his way! I'm glad he is gone. He ate ALL the food in my fridge 8<{((
And he broke almost everything swinging through the room hanging on the
chandeleer(sp?). I never want to see him again! He is all yours.

Sorry, an ice-berg? In the middle of the jungle? You must be joking!!!!
Aha, you mean: do you want ice-cream? Yes, please (temperature is over a
100 degrees out here in the jungle).

Going to clean up the mess Tarzan made,

Bye for now,  Hans