

Sometimes I agree with you, but other times, no. There is very little
new information about PD-but on the list i received the information
about mirapex and requib.Don't forget your delete button. I enjoy the
jokes also and foreword them to friends -who then have to think about
this disease-that is a service. It means that my family does not have to
complain or point out (except for the Udall Bill) that this disease
exists. I am a nurse and worked many years in acute care hospitals and
reconized exactly one case of Parkinisonissm ( I am the only one who
did.) He was an MD--accused of drinking because of his tremors. I just
pointed it out to him and he got treatment. My knowledge at time came
from a book.

As you must know parkinsonism is no fun-so if people enjoy any thing-let

REmember delete, delete.
Nita Andres