


I am 47.  I took Amantadine along with Eldepryl for about 4 years.  My
initial medication after diagnosis w/PD was only Eldepryl,  then
Amantadine, Parlodel, and Sinemet CR were added in that order.
Amantadine worked very well for me for over  3 years (especially in
controlling tremor) and I was much healthier (re common colds and the
flu) than my wife and son.   However, I think that Amantadine,
especially when combined with Eldepryl,  acts  like an "upper."   My
Amantadine was reduced from 3 x 100 mg to 2 x 100 mg per day when
Parlodel was added.

Late last year,  I began to have severe problems with insomnia.  I think
that the lack of sleep began to affect my thinking.  After  I quit
taking Amantadine, my Eldepryl was reduced from 2 x 5 mg to 1 x 5 mg per
day, and Tasmar was added to a reduced level of Sinemet.    I now  sleep
much better.  I think the increased sleep will probably have a long term
beneficial effect on my life with PD.  I did have the worst "cold" that
I've had in several years after stopping the Amantadine.  The tremor in
my hands and arms (primarily right side) seems to have increased
slightly since I stopped taking Amantadine.

I would recommend that you not take Amantadine later than noon.

My current Sinemet CR use is 1/2 of 50/200 CR three times/day.  My
Tasmar use is 2 x 200 mg/day.

I take Parlodel (4 x 2.5 mg/day).  I still think Parlodel is working for
me, because when I forget to take the 2nd dose, I begin doing things
very slow at work.  My neurologist told me that it's ok  for me to take
an extra Parlodel when I'm having a bad PD day.