

Thanks very much for your reply.

My question about "safe" had to do with understanding possible
sideffects of carbidopa overdose.Aliza tried 6x25/100 for three days
last week and became very jittery just before her every four hour pill.
She's back to 5x25/100 and seems to be better.
She also experienced depression and fatigue.Of course this may have nothing
to do
with the carbidopa.However,shouldn't the carbidopa work to make the levadopa
more effective in addition to reducing nausea?It seemed that the higher dosage
became less effective which could be due to carbidopa overdose.

We live in Israel and will check whether Madopar is available here.
Thanks for the suggestion.


At 08:47 PM 6/10/98 +0000, you wrote:
>On Tue 09 Jun, Gil Lieberman wrote:
>> Brian,
>How about alternating 10/100 with 25/100 every four hours?
>This would keep the Levadopa rate of 25/mg/hr and reduce the Carbidopa rate to
>105mg/day in place of 150mg/day.
>Yes - this is perfectly OK -
>> What do you mean by a "safe" quantity? What constitutes unsafe?
>> What do you mean by "effective protection"? What constitutes ineffective
>> protection?
>> Regards.
>> Gil Lieberman
>> .
>Trying to find the perfect definition of safe, effective etc is not going
>to help really.  The real story is that I think that I have a considerably
>more relaxed attitude to Carbidopa than the professional who gave the 125
>mg/day. My view is governed by the fact that I have only met two people
>Who had symptoms of Carbidopa poisoning (as one doctor called it), and they
>were taking 375 and 400 mg/day (And about 3000 mg/day of levodopa!!). The
>Carbidopa symptoms were fatigue, lassitude, nausea. (I assume that you live
>in the USA - This is relevant because one of those two people achieved a 'cure'
>by switching to Madopar instead of Sinemet. (This uses a different chemical
>to protect the levodopa, called Benserazide. ) It is only a single result, but
>it is interesting.
>Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>