

Two Brothers

Two brothers worked together on the family farm. One was
married and had a large family. The other was single. At the
day's end, the brothers shared everything equally, produce and

Then one day the single brother said to himself, "it's not
right that we should share equally the produce and the profit.
I'm alone and my needs are simple." So each night he took a sack
of grain from his bin and crept across the field between their
houses, dumping it into his brother's bin.

Meanwhile, the married brother said to himself, "It's not
right that we should share the produce and the profit equally.
After all, I'm married and I have my wife and my children to
look after me in years to come. My brother has no one, and no
one to take care of his future." So each night he took a sack of
grain and dumped it into his single brother's bin.

Both men were puzzled for years because their supply of
grain never dwindled. Then one dark night the two brothers bumped
into each other. Slowly it dawned on them what was happening.

They dropped their sacks and embraced one another.

             By Source Unknown
         From Brian Cavanaugh's More Sower's Seeds
            from Condensed Chicken Soup for the Soul
  Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark
             Victor Hansen & Patty Hansen