

Helen Mason wrote:

>The wonderful petitions have been coming in slowly. Today when I came home
>there were 7 envelopes with 105 petitions. Some even had signaure on the back
>of the petitions. One very special advocte from MA had 705 signatures.
>Please understand I shall not tell you who they are from for fear of
>forgetting someone. I have worked on this for what seems like forever but it
>has been worth it.

We all owe you a great big vote of thanks for all your efforts--it couldn't
have happened so impressively without you!

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
                        This is for YOU!!

        ___                 000000                 ___
   ____(   \              0'      0.              /   )____
  (____     \_____      0)  (O  O)  \0      _____/     ____)
 (____            `-----(      )     )-----'            ____)
  (____     _____________\  \____/  /_____________     ____)
    (______/              `-.____.-'              \______)

        From Camilla                    [log in to unmask]

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***       _