

Just came across this article.

Nicotine patch promising for Parkinson`s
 Source: Reuters
6/8/98 6:27:00 PM


 TORONTO, Jun 08 (Reuters) -- A nicotine patch may improve symptoms in
patients with Parkinson`s disease, a preliminary study suggests. While it is
too early to tell patients to wear such a patch, nine people with early to
moderate Parkinson`s disease showed improvement in both motor function and
cognition -- a catchall term that includes learning and memory -- after
being given nicotine by intravenous injection and then wearing a nicotine
patch for 2 weeks.
``These improvements appeared to be sustained for up to 1 month after the
drug had been discontinued,`` reported Dr. Paul Newhouse of the University
of Vermont last week at the 151st annual meeting of the American Psychiatric
Parkinson`s disease is characterized by progressive degeneration of the
dopamine producing-cells in the brain, resulting in tremor, difficulty
walking, and eventually paralysis.
``Preliminary analysis shows improvements after acute nicotine
administration in several areas of cognitive performance,`` Newhouse noted.
These included improvement in reaction time and central processing speed.
After chronic use of nicotine, the researchers also saw improvements in
tests of motor function -- the ability to move.
Some studies have shown that smokers are significantly less likely to
develop Parkinson`s disease than nonsmokers. It`s also been shown that cells
in laboratory culture dishes release dopamine in the presence of that
nicotine, Newhouse said.
``Whether nicotine can do this on a chronic basis is questionable,`` he
said, ``but these results are intriguing and we think that nicotinic
stimulation may hold promise for improving both cognitive and motor aspects
of Parkinson`s disease
Nancy B cg for Don 64/14+