

"Bonnie" asked about access to journal abstracts about PD for her
dad who is a patient. She also mentioned that he had been to the
U. Georgia (?) Medical Library, which is a good place to start.
Bonnie, you need to use something called the World Wide Web, to
get access to a national archive containing millions of those
abstracts, called Medline. Medline includes a free service called
PubMed, with which you can search for any journal, author, subject,
title, keyword, etc. PubMed is easy to use, and the instructions
you need are there for the asking. The URL (address) for PubMed is


Be warned though, the Medline material is for doctors and other
professionals, not the general public, so it may not be easy reading.
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013