

Murray wrote to Gail:

I've read all the shell letters both on the List & on The new
ParkinsonAlliance site but somehow this whole thing is a struggle.  I
don't feel that I can just sign a shell....nope, wouldn't fit.

I 'bin scribblin'.  Is this of any value???

              A Tale of One "Lucky" Canadian

   I'm a lucky Canadian.  I spent the first 49 years of my being in
the  good life aboard the SS Abundant Health, as did most Canadians and
most Americans.  In 1994 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and
that day my metaphorical ship began to founder.  Now I'm treading
water with 100,000 other Canadians and with 1,500,000 neighbor
Americans, all Parkinsonian victims of the sunken SS Abundant Health.


Murray you ask.... "Is this of any value???"

Murray it was by people like you and me that got this
law passed at all! There are so few of us affected by this
disease that if EVERYONE of us doesn't speak up and

            SCREAM ....COUNT ME !

our voices will not be heard at all!

I'm copying your letter off and taking it to Washington...
...which for me is 10 miles down the road!

Your cyber sister,

Gail Vass


Dennis the way it looks from where I'm standing, there are not enough
PWP in the USA to force the Congress to straighten up and 'do the right
thing' so I've been looking for ways to apply pressure other than the
'one man/woman one vote concept'...I'll try anything that may/will work
and swing a few more supporters our way, some tactics work for some
politicians and others work for others...I'll keep doing so...until I
get so tired and fed up that I quit...which will prolly be very soon.

Gail...inside the "Capitol Beltway" and it's not a pretty sight...