

I have just resumed my subscription to the PD while I kept the one from
the CG listing. The former was just too extensive for me to cope with
while the latter was far more restrained.

I had been a CG for about 9 years while my wife Barbara was
deteriorating and responding less and less to Sinemet and Permax. We
have utmost faith and confidence in our neuro who is an expert and
specialist in PD and movement disorder.

My absence was due to a quadruple coronoray by-pass, which to me
represent another miracle of modern science. It has not yet been 3 weeks
since that event, but my role as a CG had to be totally curtailed and is
very slowly returning. Gratefully, our children are nearby and my
wonderful daughter took several days from work to stay with her mother,
help with the house, and foremost to nag her about her medication.

We have been most fortunate to be senior citizens alive and being able
to kick. Yet, the role reversal for Barbara and I has been on my mind
lately as I am still far from recuperated. Her 'ON' periods are
diminishing but she is still coping quite well, and in 2 days I shall
drive her to the neuro.

I just wanted to add that the cardiac unit of Arlington Hospital
provided the best care in every respect I had ever seen anywhere, and we
should know because I was a medic in the army (albeit only 2 years) but
Barbara was also a nurse, and she was hospitalized 3 times within the
past three years.

As I told my kids, keep your nose clean otherwise you can't smell the
Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem'