

My comments below are going to belie my protestations to janet p. that I DO
support keeping marketing off our List of ANY product and by ANYONE,
including financially desperate Listmembers/PWP.  (I still for the life of
me don't know how I could have written such a thoroughly
misunderstood message!)

Ivan posted a request for some transportation help so that he and a
caregiver can go to DC.  He didn't ask for money, although one could
obviously read that into his post.

First, let me just quickly say that Ivan is a great asset to this List and
to our cause as well. He, unlike most all of us, is a living example of
Margaret Tuchman's tag line Slogan Won't Do IT/Hard Work Will.  He's done
more than his share in his state toward the necessary first part of our
goal - public awareness.  He's also been a caring contributor to this List,
as well as a controversial (long live controversy!) and amusing character
(remembering his determination to get his money back from NPDwhatever.)

Ivan is also an educated man, a former college professor, who is very sick &
living in poverty.  His total annual income from SSDI is, I believe, about
$8,000.  He wants to go to DC to fulfill a burning desire to see Hillary.
Oops - that didn't come out right!  Anyway, he wants to attend a PAN Forum,
he has appointments set up with 3 United States Senators and he is trying to
get an appointment with the  still influential Ms. Clinton to push Udall
funding.   Hardly a vacation.  He has to take a caretaker along because he
frequently cannot walk, and probably for other functional reasons as well.
He can't drive, airfares in the Northeast are expensive, as are DC hotels.
He needs $2,178.  This is more than 25% of  his whole year's income!!.    If
you make $40,000 think of his as about an $11,000 cost.  More really because
Ivan has NO discretionary income.

Ivan says he's got more  than half covered, presumably locally up there in
Maine.  All nine of the  other residents must have agreed to help out.  I
think we should permit those of us who care to and have the means to
contribute to Ivan's journey ON OUR BEHALF.

No one is selling anything here, nor even soliciting for charity.  This is a
request for a measly amount to be used in the contributors' self-interest.
Bob Fink says it's a Bad Idea.  I say Damn Good Idea.

Ivan may not approve, but time is short for this trip.  He needs $900 it
looks like. If anyone would like to e-mail me a pledge today, I will front
the money to Ivan while you send me a check.
Ivan is a volunteer in our struggle who just doesn't have the funds to keep
B.Bruce Anderson
56 Markham Dr.
Schooley's Mtn.
Long Valley, NJ  07853
[log in to unmask]
 PS  Why is it that doctors get free advertising every time they sign or
print there names?  Joe Sawbones, MD?
I would add that listing their specialty, address, phone + fax numbers &
office hours on every post they make to the List is just a wee bit of
personal promotion too.