

Hi Kees,

>Let's please not fight each other, for a word, foreigner.

I'm with you all the way.  I'm not even sure who, if anyone, is actually
fighting.  I'm certainly not. It's been my impression that most of the
exchanges concering that particular word have been fairly light hearted.
Having what my dear old gran used to call a "wicked" sense of humour, which
has landed me in trouble more than once in the past, I even ended my
contribution to the debate with the words "With tongue firmly in cheek" just
to make sure that no-one would take it seriously.

Despite this a perception has developed that an argument is raging.  Once
more my sense of humour drops me in it.  But it's the same sense of humour
that keeps me going so I suppose I'll just have to live with it.  I shall
however endevour not to impose it on the list in future.

Which is going to be tough 'cause it's foreign to my nature. (Gee - that
didn't last long)
