

Kees and Bill,

What a wonderful idea -- I am sure that Mike Claeys and Joan Samuelson
would welcome constituent visits. I suggest that you check with PAN to
see where you could "Plug in".  Porter has to be lobbied with much fore-
thought and planning. 


At 06:48 AM 6/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>t 07:33 AM 6/10/98 EDT, you wrote:
>>Is there anyone from the north of Chicago /Waukegan area (Rep John Porter's
>>district) with whom I could go see him while at the forum next week.  If you
>>live in that area, and wouldn't mind my participating (you run the show)
>>please contact me ASAP.
>>WHH 54/18
>>a.k.a. [log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
DOB: 1941/Dx: 1980/Cured:ASAP
Slogans wont do it/Hard work will