

Dear Dennis and List,

I, personally, LOVE your letter, Dennis.  It says it all.  It's well written
and truer than true.

I live and teach in Troy, Michigan, a rather conservative town North of
Detroit and am sitting here trying to think like I believe the majority of
people in my town think, in order to play devil's advocate.  There seems to be
a bit of an isolationist mentality around these parts.  No one will admit it,
but I have the sense that a large number of people sincerely believe, "We
(meaning Americans) do it all," meaning that they feel they foot the bill for
the rest of the world and would like other countries to help.  Other countries
do help, of course.  (Research involving animals that can't be done in the U.
S. is being done in other countries.  Other countries have research programs.)
I know this and I am embarrassed to even say it, but there IS (this way of
thinking).  Folks around here feel that they pay too much in taxes, as it is.

I'd like to hear from others on the list as to how they think their towns
would receive a letter from a non-citizen to the people of America.  Do you
think this approach could possibly backfire?  I could be all wet on this.
I'll be the first to admit it.  Dennis, have you thought of asking Mike Claeys
or others knowledgible in winning the support of those who could write?  I'm
wondering if the letter could be rewritten by you for the signature of an
American citizen.  You could explain how it would benefit not only American
citizens but citizens from other countries as well. I want to hear what others

Hope you understand that you have my full support and that I understand your
mission and your intent.  I am just playing "Devil's Advocate."

Barb Brock