

In a message dated 98-06-12 01:11:33 EDT, Ivan Suzman wrote:

   What should I say to MaryHelen Davila when she says, "See you in

Can't sleep.  my..... thoughts....

Tell me  what ever you want, but I'm going to "DC" for the 4th time, iin honor
of and in gratitude to those PWP who came before me, and  who are now gone.

They  arre dead  or helpless in "care" facilities trapped in a living death.
Those who sufferred without Sinamet, before Levadopa.Those who sacrificed for
us - people tthey'd never meet. Ttey  fought knwing that they had a " future
without hope " so thtat we could have hope.

When "they" were diagnosed (if they were ever diagnosed).they were uttterly
hopelessly doomed. They learned that quickly. But they still sacrificed. They
sacrificed what little human dignity that PD didn't get first, fo serve  as
medcal testers for us - to pass to us the knowledge , to pass to the
responsibility to "carry on" and to "finish the job".

We have the responsibilty pased to us to "stop tt now". WE don't have the
luxury of time to waste.  We haven't reacheddd tthhe finish line yet . We
aren' t  yet safe drom tthe hell that Morris K Uddall is in NOW. He is still
alive -- have we forgtten? Is he invsible to us?   "There  but for the Grace
of God go  I"   -  can we say that  yet? Are we so safe yett?  Get up, all of
us around the world and hold our heads with the dignity we have, ours andd
that we inherrited from our PD ffamily before us. Dignity of those   whosse
lives were raped by PD.      No, so what f "offivially" no one "Died" of PD -
so it's said, But those with progresseed PD knooow that PD takes life - a
slow crel way... an inch at a time. We know better andd so w  call all
parkieeese . .... don't think of it too long . Charge in ....... with what
dignity   we have lelft,  with whatever we can use, letters, newspaers, music,
peoms, rocks, sticks, anything God's given us to usse, don't' ask peeermission
- just use what  PD hasn't taken yet.... use it, support each other,
strengthen each other and fight PD.. Stop it..

  If  PD lasts a second longer than it haad to, we  should  hang our heads in

Because the time is now.It's our job . We know that.
