

I'd like to apologize to Bob Fink for the cheap shot I took at him  and his

 In my post asking for help getting Ivan to DC for the Pan Forum,  I
responded to Bob's previous comment that it was a bad idea to have Ivan
soliciting on the List by simply stating that I thought it was a good idea.
I then in a post script added my purposeful dig at him, mostly  because  I
was angry at at the effect his opposition would, and ultimately did, have on
Ivan's success (only 4 List members  helped out).  It was a stupid reaction
and I apologize  for it. Another list member   sent me a long well-written
post pointing out all Dr. Fink had contributed to the list over the years
and he isn't even a PWP.   Looking them up and rereading a few his
contributions, its obvious to me that they have certainly been better than

I was a little puzzled by his stated resentment of my entire post, though,
and  not just the little spear I lobbed his way at the end.  I tried to keep
it as light as  possible. I thought Ivan again was held in fairly high
regard here.  He has certainly promoted PD awareness in his home state.  I
haven't had the chance to look at my copy of the video of it yet, but Ivan
sure seemed to receive plenty kudos here for his TV appearance and his
ability to perform publicly as a spokesman for our cause. The man is
suffering physically (we have the first-hand observations of other List
members  on that) yet he seems to be concerned for us all.  And all I was
trying to do was to do him a favor by soliciting $ for transportation help
for him to a PD function where he could use this publicly acknowledged
talent in scheduled meetings with some Senators. Yes, and maybe Ms. Bubba.
He is also going to help Helen deliver petitions to Representatives.  I
should not have even mentioned his personal financial situation because I
was not looking for personal help for him.   Bob says, "If this List becomes
financial or commercial I shall  leave  in an instant."  I don't see any
danger of that.  It was no big deal.  Sorry for the fuss!
PS Ivan got 2 more sizeable donations from a PWP and the spouse of another
in ME, which will enable him to go. (And God help us all if one of those
Senators in a no-show!!!)
