

boy how i whish i could make the trip as doing  WW2 i was there for 1 year
later after 2 more wars i took my daughter their for 2 weeks. if only to
meet some of the family members. hope you all the best of luck. my travails
is on my pc. oh i am or just found out how to get lot of my email address
back. with one hand typing it was a job. now it is fairly easy. my new meds
might help me lolo to learn some thing i forgot. still get mixt up on some
of the post. think lot of them are aimed at me.  so you all bear with me.
one hand types.

                                       [log in to unmask]
                                        74/30   lima.oh

                                       I.Y.Q   DON  &  VIVIAN
                                       LOVE OF MY LIFE-52

                                      BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                                    KNOWING WE CAN DO SOME THING