

-- [ From: Bob Martone * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

Letter being hand carried Monday!

June 15, 1998

Subject: Udall Parkinson Research Bill and Beyond

The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Hutchison,

Your fellow Texans and the country need your support to fully fund the
Morris K. Udall Act for Research and Education to the authorized level
of $100 million a year.  The Appropriations Committee this year will
consider the law, which you supported ,last year, as part of the Labor
HHS appropriations bill. We urge you to stand behind this bill again and
encourage your colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to do the same

Parkinson's is a catastrophic neuro-degenerative disease, which affects
more than a million people in the United States.  Abraham Lieberman, M.
D., of the National Parkinson's Foundation, estimates that there may be
twice that number counting those who have not yet been diagnosed.

It is an insidious disease from which no one is safe because we do not
yet know enough scientifically to predict who will get it and who will
not.  There is hope through research.  Parkinson's has been termed "one
of the brightest spots in brain research" by the Dana Alliance on Brain

Please do your part to see that we do not have to continue to expend $25
Billion a year in terms of direct and indirect costs when for $100
Million we could be working on finding effective therapies and perhaps
the long sought for cure.

Within the next three decades, the number of Parkinson's Disease
patients could grow to as many as ten million as the "Baby Boomers" move
into the years most often associated with Parkinson's and other neuro-
degenerative diseases.  With an average age of diagnosis of 57 years,
this demographic surge is not far away.  We cannot expect our children
to bear this burden. We must do something proactive now before it is too

We need a strong America comprised of healthy citizens.  Your leadership
is needed to insure that the $100 million Udall Parkinson authorization
is fully funded. Please take the lead do it for your fellow Texans and
the country.

Please let us hear of your plans and how the Parkinson community that I
represent can help get this appropriation completed this year. I will be
in Washington June 15-18 and would like to visit with you to discuss
this matter. I  have petitions signed by 5000+ fellow Texans and friends
that I would like to present to you.


Robert A. Martone - President
3614 Forest Village Dr.
Kingwood, Texas 77339
Phone 281-358-5168

Attachment  - Signatures from 5000+ Texans

Bob Martone(Nancy 53/23)